Vacation Bible School is an annual summer program created especially for children, ages 3 to 5th grade. Every VBS gives children a 5-day program filled with Bible-based stories that are brought to life in various ways!

During the week of VBS, children will travel in groups with other children — “crews” led by our teens and young adults — to different stations. Each station reinforces each day’s lesson through different Bible-learning activities: songs, theatre, crafts, video, games, and snacks! Children will also participate in a special mission project to help children in another part of the world, teaching them about giving and sharing with others in need. Kids will be asked to bring an item each day of VBS for school-aged children, and these items will then be delivered personally by a short-term mission team from FEC Glendale.

At FEC Glendale, we invite children, youth, and adults to join our VBS program. Children, ranging from 3 years old to the 5th grade, join as participants in an enjoyable, school-like environment; youth and adults help in various stations, teaching valuable lessons to the children each day, and as “crew leaders,” role models who participate with the children to help reinforce the week’s lessons. No matter what age you are, there’s something at VBS for everyone!

For over ten summers, FEC Glendale has provided children from the church and from the surrounding community with memorable programs, including SCUBA, Serengeti Trek, Avalanche Ranch, High Seas, PandaMania, SKY, Kingdom Rock, Everest, Cave Quest, and our most recent summer, Maker Fun Factory. Each summer is designed to give children and volunteers a week they will never forget, and we hope that you and your family will join us this summer at FEC Glendale for the unforgettable fun!